Archaeology Egypt Greece Orient Archeologie Egypte Gri...

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Aigyptiaka: A Catalogue of ... Skon-Jedele,Nancy J. Aigyptiaka: A Catalogue of Egyptian and Egyptianizing Objects excavated from Greek Archaeological Sites, Ca. 100-525 B.C. [Diss.]. Univ Pennsulvania, 1994. 4 vols. 2751 pp. 21 plts. Hardcovers. (U.M.I.). € 300.00 Antiquariaat Kok
By Judgment of the Eye. The... COHN,VARYA HANS COHN [Collection]. Thomas,Nancy Tina Oldknow. By Judgment of the Eye. The Varya and Hans Cohn Collection. Los Angeles, Hans Cohn, 1991 387 pp. Col. b./w. ills. Orig. hardcover, d./j. € 25.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Egyptianizing Figurines fro... Barrett,Caitlin E. Egyptianizing Figurines from Delas. A Study in Hellenistic Religion. Leiden, E.J Brill, 2011. XVI,731 pp. Plts. Hardcover,d/j. (Columbia Sudies in the Classical Tradition 36). € 150.00 Antiquariaat Kok
From Avaris to Thebes: A Co... Bright,Chelsea M. From Avaris to Thebes: A Comparision Study of Minoan Influence on Egyptian Painted Plaster. Tufts Univ., 2017 [Xerox reprint, Ann Arbor]. 112 pp. Privately bound hardcover. [Diss.]. Authorized UMI Dissertation ... € 75.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Lampen aus Ton und Bronze. Selesnow,Wolfgang. Lampen aus Ton und Bronze. Melsungen, 1988 205 pp. 64 b./w. plts. Hardcover, d./j. (Bildwerke der Sammlung Kaufmann, Bd. 2. / Liebieghaus-Museu... € 15.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Lettres à M. Letronne [...]... Reuvens,Casper Jacob Christiaan. Lettres à M. Letronne [...] sur les Papyrus Bilingues et Grecs, et sur quelques autres monumens Gréco-Égyptiens du Musée d'Antiquités de l'Université de Leide. [COMPLETE SET OF TWO VOLUMES: TEXT ATLAS]. À Leide, chez S et J. Luchtmans, 1830. 2 vols. [1],89,57,164,[2] (= 2 double-page leaves of handmade paper, numbere... € 375.00 Antiquariaat Kok
Tempel der ägyptischen Gött... Salditt-Trappmann,Regina. Tempel der ägyptischen Götter in Griechenland und an der Westküste Kleinasiens. Leiden, E.J Brill, 1970. XI,68 pp. 2 b./w. text-ills, 30 b./w. plts 6 (fold). plans (1 col.). Orig. hardcover (... € 27.50 Antiquariaat Kok
Tempel der ägyptischen Gött... Salditt-Trappmann,Regina. Tempel der ägyptischen Götter in Griechenland und an der Westküste Kleinasiens. Leiden, E.J Brill, 1970. XI,68 pp. 2 b./w. text-ills, 30 b./w. plts 6 (fold). plans (1 col.). Orig. hardcover (... € 22.50 Antiquariaat Kok

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