Latin America South America West Indies

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Compendium and Description ... VAZQUEZ DE ESPINOSA Compendium and Description of the West Indies. - Translated by Charles Upson Clark. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 102. First edition (meer info) Washington: Smithsonian Institution 1942, XII + 862 p.,index, 24x15 cm., SOFTCOVER, ((Orig stiff paper wraps., small ticket. on spine, ... € 39.00 Sigma
De blanke negerkoning. - Ho... WIRKUS, Faustin Taney DUDLEY De blanke negerkoning. - Hoe een Amerikaansche sergeant der mariniers op het eiland La Gonave tot koning werd gekroond. Met een voorrede van William B. Seabrook. Vertaald door J.L.J.F. Ezerman. (meer info) 's Gravenhage : J.Philip Kruseman 1930(?), 304 p., photographs, frontispiece portrait, map, HARDCOVER, (Original publisher"s orange cl... € 29.50 Sigma
Encyclopedie van de Nederla... PALM, DR. J.PH. DE [redactie] Encyclopedie van de Nederlandse Antillen - Tweede - volledig herziene en vermeerderde - druk. (meer info) Zutphen : De Walburg Pers 1985, 552 p., zeer rijk geïllustreerd met foto’s, tekeningen, kaarten, index, 21,5 x 30,25 x 4 cm... € 19.50 Sigma
Geografia y descripcion uni... LÓPEZ DE VELASCO, JUAN Geografia y descripcion universal de las Indias - Desde la formation del lenguaje hasta nuestros dias (Continuacion). Tomo CCXLVIII. Edicion de Don Marcos Jimenez de la Espada. (meer info) Madrid : Atlas 1971, XLVIII + 371 p., index, bibliogr. 18 x 27 cm., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. stiff double wrpprs, printed ... € 34.50 Sigma
Jenseits des Atlant. - Reis... VENZMER, DR. GERHARD Jenseits des Atlant. - Reisebilder aus Kuba und Mexiko. Erstausgabe. (meer info) Hamburg : Weltbund Verlag 1924, 178 Seiten+Anzeigen, photo frontis. portrait and 34 photo illustrations and plates, bibliogr.,... € 29.50 Sigma
Les Indiens de la Caraïbe. ... SINGARAVELOU Les Indiens de la Caraïbe. 3 volumes. (meer info) Paris : L'HARMATTAN 1987-8, ca 825 p., in 3 volumes, maps, diagr., glossary, SOFTCOVER, (Orig. pictorial wrpprs. VERY G... € 99.50 Sigma
Mexico, Central America and... MAYER, BRANTZ Mexico, Central America and West Indies. - Vol. XXII of The History of Nations. Ed. by F.A.Ober. First pub. 1905. Updated ed. 1928 New York : Collier 1928, XV+518 p.,ills.,maps , HARDCOVER, (cl. bnd, stained) € 17.24 Sigma
Nederland en de Nieuwe Were... DOEL, VAN DEN EMMER VOGEL Nederland en de Nieuwe Wereld. - Een intrigerende studie van de betrekkingen tussen Nederland en de Amerika's, vanaf de ontdekking van de Nieuwe Wereld tot heden. 1e druk Utrecht : Spectrum 1992, 348 p., z/w ills., index, SOFTCOVER, (Orig. pict. paperback. Rug door zon licht verkleurd. ALS... € 9.50 Sigma
Revisiting Caribbean Labour... SUTTON, CONSTANCE R. Revisiting Caribbean Labour: - Essays in Honour of O. Nigel Bolland. Kingston : Ian Randle Publishers 2005, 150 p, index, bibliogr., SOFTCOVER, (Orig. Wrpprs. VERY GOOD) € 42.50 Sigma
The Middle Passage. The Car... NAIPAUL, V. S. The Middle Passage. The Caribbean Revisited - Impressions of Five Societies - British, French and Dutch - in the West INdies and South America (meer info) Penguin Book 1969, 256 p.,map, SOFTCOVER, (Orig.wrappers, pages bit browned, name end paper. VERY GOOD) € 9.50 Sigma
The New World Guides to the... HANSON, EARL PARKER (ED.) The New World Guides to the Latin American Republics: - 3 Volumes. Volume One: Mexico, Central America and the West Indies; Volume Two: Andes and West Coast Countries; Volume Three: East Coast Countries. 3rd completely revised.Edition New York : Duell, Sloan and Pearce 1950, The 3 Volumes contain about 1000 p, num. maps, HARDCOVER, (Orig. blue cloth, rests of mall tic... € 45.00 Sigma
The South American Handbook... Davies (ed.) Howell The South American Handbook 1968 London Trade and Trvel Publications 1968 44th annual ed. 865 p. bl/w maps, small octavo decorated red cloth + DJ DJ loose; good. The traveller's guide to Latin A... € 10.00 des Indes
The South American Handbook... The South American Handbook, A Travellers’s Guide to Latin America West Indies Trade Travel Publications Ltd, Bath 1973, 899pp, gebonden + stofomslag, goede staat € 30.00 Stadion Books
The West Indian Novel and i... RAMCHAND, KENNETH The West Indian Novel and its Background. - Sec. impr. (meer info) London : Faber and Faber 1974, VIII + 295 p., bibliogr, index, SOFTCOVER, (Orig. wrpprs, name on end paper, else VERY GOOD) € 24.50 Sigma

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